First train to Kyoto: film & music by Alfie Goodrich Alfie·July 14, 2022Shot on my first bullet-train trip in well over a year, showing the sunrise from the first Kyoto-bound...Travel·0 Comments·0·85 views
Travel photography: visiting Rausu, Hokkaido, with NHK World Alfie·July 12, 2022In August of 2019, I travelled to Rausu on the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido to film my second...Travel·0 Comments·0·98 views
My 2022, 4K desktop, Mac & PC calendar now available Alfie·December 19, 2021Read here about where, when and how I shot the twelve images for this year’s 4K desktop wallpaper...Commercial Photography·0 Comments·0·681 views
Tokyo Taxi Alfie·June 11, 2016Highly colourful, very plentiful and always around: Tokyo’s taxis have been a photographic obsession of mine ever since...CarsEditorialTravel·2 Comments·0·951 views
Railways of Japan Alfie·June 11, 2016Trains are fast, clean and on-time in Japan. In fact, since first coming here sixteen years ago, I’ve...Travel·0 Comments·0·418 views
Tsukiji Fish Market Alfie·June 11, 2016 Tsukiji is somewhere I’ve been visiting for about sixteen years, ever since first coming to Japan. Later this...EditorialTravel·0 Comments·0·453 views